What is The Washington School Show?
“The Show” is an annual musical production that is written, produced, directed and performed by Washington School parents and teachers for the entertainment of our students and the community. The Show tradition began in 1948 as a PTO skit at the former Grant School and it is the school’s largest fundraiser.
How much money does The Show raise and what is it used for?
The Show raises between $25-$30K each year. Proceeds are used to fund educational programs, equipment and teacher grants to enrich our children’s learning, as well as activities outside the classroom that make Washington the special place that it is!
Do I need theater experience to be a part of The Show? Do I have to be on stage?
NO experience required! The only thing you need is the desire to have fun and meet new people! And, if performing isn’t your thing, there are many other ways to get involved such as ad sales, playbill design, sets/props, and concessions.
How much of a time commitment is The Show?
Your level of involvement is up to you. For performers, rehearsals take place during the month of January on weekday evenings and Saturdays. Schedules will vary based on the role you sign up for and how involved you would like to be. It can be as little as 1x per week! “Behind-the-Scenes” roles vary. Some can be done from home (ad sales, props), while others require attendance at some rehearsals and the performances (tickets, concessions, etc.)
Why should I get involved in the Washington School Show?
Reason 1 - Your kids! In addition to raising money for school enhancements that directly benefit our children, your kids will love seeing you on stage or knowing that you were a part of the production!
Reason 2 - You will have the time of your life! What other opportunity do we have as adults to tap into our creative sides, make new friends, and come together as a community in this unique way?! (Not to mention the parties!)
“The Show” is an annual musical production that is written, produced, directed and performed by Washington School parents and teachers for the entertainment of our students and the community. The Show tradition began in 1948 as a PTO skit at the former Grant School and it is the school’s largest fundraiser.
How much money does The Show raise and what is it used for?
The Show raises between $25-$30K each year. Proceeds are used to fund educational programs, equipment and teacher grants to enrich our children’s learning, as well as activities outside the classroom that make Washington the special place that it is!
Do I need theater experience to be a part of The Show? Do I have to be on stage?
NO experience required! The only thing you need is the desire to have fun and meet new people! And, if performing isn’t your thing, there are many other ways to get involved such as ad sales, playbill design, sets/props, and concessions.
How much of a time commitment is The Show?
Your level of involvement is up to you. For performers, rehearsals take place during the month of January on weekday evenings and Saturdays. Schedules will vary based on the role you sign up for and how involved you would like to be. It can be as little as 1x per week! “Behind-the-Scenes” roles vary. Some can be done from home (ad sales, props), while others require attendance at some rehearsals and the performances (tickets, concessions, etc.)
Why should I get involved in the Washington School Show?
Reason 1 - Your kids! In addition to raising money for school enhancements that directly benefit our children, your kids will love seeing you on stage or knowing that you were a part of the production!
Reason 2 - You will have the time of your life! What other opportunity do we have as adults to tap into our creative sides, make new friends, and come together as a community in this unique way?! (Not to mention the parties!)